Get your Shoulder Ready for the Cricket Season
The cricket season is fast approaching and for most recreational players the thoughts surrounding the old shoulder injuries start to surface. “Will my Shoulder flare-up again this season” or “Can I play with the lads for the another season,” these are some of the things we hear in clinic when working with our cricketers.
We attend to many cricketers with a significant focus on bowlers grappling with shoulder discomfort, pain, or injury. As we engage with these players, we've noticed a common thread among them, falling into three distinct categories.
The prevailing approach among most players includes:
1. Persisting with weekend play despite lingering discomfort.
2. Relying on painkillers.
3. Resorting to self-diagnosis through YouTube or Google in the hope for a miraculous remedy.
Regardless of your level of competition, maintaining optimal shoulder health and strength should be a paramount concern for every cricket player. The immense forces coursing through a fast bowler's shoulder during each delivery are staggering. Executing a consistent ball at high speed involves a complex interplay between various joints in the shoulder, neck, upper back, and trunk. To contextualise, the body can absorb up to six times its own weight in ground reaction force to sustain peak bowling performance (Anand et al., 2017).
Several factors contribute to bowlers' shoulder injuries, including bowling technique, injury history, fatigue levels, and poor sleep hygiene (Shafi, 2014). Rotator cuff-related injuries are prevalent among bowlers with suboptimal shoulder conditioning. With uncertainties surrounding schedules, training, and nets, we find ourselves eagerly awaiting the green light to subject our shoulders to the strain of bowling for an hour each week in the nets – a potential accident in the making.
The good news is that there are simple yet effective exercises you can perform at home, serving three crucial purposes:
1. Fortifying your shoulder.
2. Priming you for pre-season.
3. Enhancing your resilience against future injuries.
Refer to the videos below, showcasing our top three exercises for refining your Rotator Cuff muscle group. Consider these exercises as the essential fuel your shoulder requires to operate optimally and keep you delivering peak performances on the field.
Should you wish to gain a comprehensive understanding of your body, biomechanics, and uncover ways to elevate your game, be sure to book a Movement MOT. During this assessment, we'll delve into your injury history, discuss your cricket aspirations, and guide you through strength and conditioning principles, coupled with cricket-specific coaching techniques to propel you to the next level.